Welcome to Our Running Club!
Q & A

A collection of the most common questions we receive, with answers!

What is your practice requirement?

We DO NOT have a practice requirement; we encourage your child to make it two practices per week to make the most of the season.

Can my child join us at any time?

Yes, we are always flexible and will pro-rate the price based on the date joined.

How old does my child have to be to run for Colorado Coyotes?

Six is the youngest a child can be to run for Colorado Coyotes. However, seven is often a better age to start. It truly depends on your child and their motivation level.

How are your practices structured?

We start each practice with a dynamic warmup that lasts approximately 10 minutes. The workout is either endurance-based, tempo, or interval. Our practices are quality since the kids are not running every day. We end practice with strength work or a game.

In general, the children are running anywhere from two to five miles per practice, based on ability and age.

Why is your fall season more expensive than your spring/summer season?

The spring/summer season is practices dues only. The fall season includes a singlet, and we cover the dues for the youth cross-country races.

What does my child wear at races?

We provide the children with a Colorado Coyotes singlet in the fall or purchased in the spring/summer season for $35.00. Children can wear their shorts, but the shorts must be black.

My child runs for their middle school; can they do both?

Yes. Our season starts later than the middle school season and goes until the second week of December. We have had some kids practice and race for their middle school and Colorado Coyotes simultaneously. We’ve also had children who practice with their middle school and race with Coyotes (since our races are typically on Saturday) and then transition to the Coyotes once their middle school season is over. Lastly, we have young runners who join the Colorado Coyotes once their middle school season is over, typically in the middle of October.

We are always flexible and will pro-rate the price.

My child is new to running and not fast; can they still join?

Yes, most of the children who joined Coyotes were new to running when they started. We genuinely have kids from all ability levels; however, we recommend that your child be able to run one mile without stopping before they join the club. We break the children into groups based on ability and age and modify workouts accordingly.

What distances do the kids race?

The children run in two years increments during the fall cross-country season.

<8 Years Old – 2 kilometers

9-10 Years Old – 3 kilometers

11-12 Years Old – 3 kilometers

13-14 Years Old – 4 kilometers

What age bracket does my child race in?

Your child’s age is determined by their age on December 31st of the current year. Thus, if your child turns 13 on December 31st of this year, they will race in the 13-14-year-old age bracket.

How often do you cancel practice due to bad weather?

Rarely! Cross-country runners need to be prepared to race in all conditions; we tell the children it’s best to learn how to deal with inclement weather in practice than a race. We will cancel practice if the lighting is in the area. We rarely cancel practice due to snow or cold weather and, instead, shorten the practice and get the kids moving right away.

What does my child need for practice?

A good pair of running shoes! Next would be comfortable athletic clothing, and when winter approaches, dress in layers, with hats and gloves.

What watch should my child get?

A watch is unnecessary, but we highly recommend one, primarily if your child is vested in running. Garmin running watches is what we recommend, Apple Watches are ok, but their GPS is not as accurate.

Does my child need running spikes or cross-country flats?

Most of the runners will run in their daily trainers. If your child is serious about the sport, purchasing a pair of racing shoes/spikes is advantageous.
